ICAO Glider Chart 1: 500.000, Stuttgart (Edition 2025) - Pre-Order
CHF 19.50
Product no.: (S1102062-24-3)
Product description
Edition 2025, Stuttgart: The ICAO Glider Chart 1: 500.000 is the first official map, which meets all the wishes and needs of glider pilots.Due to the specific aeronautical information it provides more security and flexibility in gliding
In addition to the topography and air traffic control information given in the ICAO-Chart for powered aircraft, following features are included:
• Airspace dimensions in meters and feet
• Highlighted glidersites and airfields with gliding operations
• Height information on airfields and obstacles in meters
• Representation of the glider sectors in C- / D- and TMZ airspaces
• High frequently used skydiving areas (parachute symbol plus red circle)
The backside of the ICAO Chart 1:500,000 includes the following information:
• Overview of airspace structure
• Transponder and altimeter settings
• ATIS and VOLMET frequencies
• Light signals
Ausgabe / Auflage / Jahr: | 2025 |
Flight rule: | VFR |
Area: | Stuttgart |
Manufacturer / Publisher: | DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung |
Country / Continent: | Germany |
Scale: | 1:500.000 |
Medium: | Paper / Book / Magazine |
Sport: | Glider |
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